Saturday, April 4, 2015

Insidious 2

Okay so I have watched several horror movies lately and by lately I mean in the span of two days. The horror movies I have watched are VHS Viral, ABCs of Death 2 and Insidious 2. Yes, these movies are sequels, but I have never seen them! I have seen all the movies before them. I think that is the beauty of netflix though. These movies weren't recommended to me by my facebook friends BUT my brother and I just randomly started watching them. I never used to watch horror movies, but it is kind of a way to see some interesting movies. Keep up with the blog to see the ABCs of Death 2 and VHS viral reviews, but this post will be on Insidious 2 since it is the one that is still making me paranoid something is in the shadows.

      At this point I should warn you of two things. This movie is scary, if you didn't already pick up on that and this blog post HAS SPOILERS! Considered yourself warned. I loved the first insidious movie, even though I wasn't planning on seeing it the first time. I was kind of forced to run a viewing of it at my school, because the normal folks didn't want to watch it. It is creepy but it creates a whole new world o explore and see get created as the movie goes on. I was hooked and I would have seen Insidious 2 sooner if for some reason I though someone told me it was a bad sequel. So when I clicked on it tonight, I expected it to be somewhat disappointing,

     I was wrong! The movie did a great job of still being creepy and connecting to the first movie. Not just with similar plot lines but also characters actually affecting what happened in the first movie. I don't know if this movie was  actually shorter than the first movie. I don't think the plot line had so much suspense or maybe it was because I guessed the plot half way through, but that didn't stop the enjoyment. It still created something new and intriguing for the viewer. There are only two down sides to the movie in my point of view. The beginning seems to have a voice over as they portray a character in the first movie as younger. A for effort but still slightly annoying. The second let down was the ending. I get the movie is a horror movie, but it could have ended somewhat happily which for most of the characters it does! However the movie ends with a character looking up to a dark shadow and says " Oh My God!". SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?!?! It was obvious that they just wanted another movie so they wanted to end on a cliff hanger, but I think it ruined the closure the movie was giving. I'm not going to say I won't see the 3rd Insidious, which I heard is already out, but I definitely will not have my hopes up for a great movie! Hopefully I will be surprised again!

1 comment:

  1. The best are sci-fi original movies. Scariest movies I've ever seen. Also, the scariest acting I've ever seen.
