Saturday, April 11, 2015

Mr. Nobody

          Alright folks, netflix brings you  some interesting movies. This is why I created the netflix experience challenge! The only problem is that sometimes it can get a little confusing, like if you have ever seen Donnie Darko. In fact, many reccomendors thought  Donnie Darko would be a great movie for me to watch. Unfortunately I have seen that movie before so it couldn't be  part of the challenge. IT IS A MOVIE TO WATCH THOUGH! It is one of those cult- classic movies. VERY UNIQUE!

      Mr. Nobody, is a movie that is very unique too. It can be confusing and bounce around a lot, but that is part of the charm of the movie. It really makes you think, so I am going to tell you what it made me think about rather then what happened, because it really is what you take away from a movie! What I took away from the movie is that there is  always a choice and that choice can alter your life drastically. The nice spin that the movie put on  that idea though is that each life is the right choice. In several of the plot lines of his life, he is in a married to different women. Is this a great plot line. I mean it blows fairy tales out of the water with the idea that you have only one true love. I liked this portrayal of love. Every fairy tale doesn't just have to be one chapter, many different aspects. I mean that is a real comfort to high schoolers that just have gone through a breakup. They thought person was their " one and only" but in reality it was their " one and only" in that time span or reality. Once they grow up more they find their " one and only" in that reality.There were certainly different marriages that seemed happier than the other, but they were all the right marriages for the person that had made that choice. For example, if I decided to not go on a field trip tomorrow and instead drive to see my girlfriend.  That is the path I chose to take and that life will be different than the one if I had chosen to  go to field trip where I might have been inspired to leave my old life behind to become a geologists. Each decision is important. You can see why this can get a little confusing in the movie. Overall, I am glad that I decided to watched  Mr. Nobody, and I can't wait to see how that decision will affect my life!

1 comment:

  1. I like to thing relationships are transcendent and not strictly utilitarian, implying that there is something perennial about your mate, but I like movies that experiment with this stuff. If it seemed realistic then this must be great writing.
