Sunday, April 5, 2015

Planes, trains and automoblies

        What looks like a classic comedy,  with Steve Martin and John Candy, turns out to a pretty funny comedy with a lot more swearing then I thought! This time I watched this movie with the all of my family, by which I mean my mom and I watched it while my brother was  asleep for most of it. Now he was sleeping before the movie began, so don't take that like  the movie was that boring! In fact it wasn't very boring at all. I will admit that it wasn't jam packed action, but it did have some explosion... including their car! One of the funny aspect of the movie, at least  to my mom and I is that the film is old enough to show smoking in doors and no cell phones. John Candy's character  smokes inside throughout the movie and it just makes the movie seem a lot older. I think that older comedies are more funny though because they aren't just focused using dumb things as their humor, like Step Brothers. For example, Steve Martin is a businessman determined to be a good family man by being at home for Thanksgiving. He isn't just some dumb guy who dumb things... I know very descriptive. But the point is that the characters have something pushing their emotions and motives. The movie in fact is surrounded around the idea of John Candy's character trying in hilarious ways to get Steve Martin's character to home in time for Thanksgiving. They try flying, the train, the bus and rental cars all with some sort of set back in their way.

         John Candy plays  a man who never shuts up and the annoying counterpart of Steve Martin's character, who is a wealthy businessman who seems like a workaholic. As they get to know each other throughout their journey, it seems that their is more to Candy's character that meets to eye. In fact, it is not until the end of the movie do we and Martin's character that the Candy character's wife is actually dead and that he is extremely lonely. Yes, I know not something to be happy about, but i loved that about the movie. The death of his wife clearly motivates the character to help and hang on to some sort of friend that he has made. It gives the whole hilarious journey a purpose for the character. In the end, Martin's character invites Candy's character in for thanksgiving to have it with his family. This is the perfect ending! I know it is a little to happily ever after, but it proves the movie wasn't just out for laughs, but also for emotions. I think that is what makes it a great comedy! So I would definitely recommend this to anyone who wants movie with laughs and emotions!

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